Aim & Objectives

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OUR Aims & Objectives :-

                                                                            OUR  AIMS & OBJECTIVES                                                                                         

    Help in Unusual incidents, Accidents and Emergency.

    • Give support in all legal cases to serve Humanity.

    • Arrange necessary supports for the sake of welfare and Human Rights.

    • Arrange Safety Seminars/Disaster management programmes/Rural Development programmes & various Training Programmes on regular intervals.

    • Arrange Awareness Camps on various issues.

    • Arrange necessary steps to Develop skills and talents of children and women.

    • To encourage the exchange of idea and enrichment of practice between the different regions so as to adopt best for humanity.

    • Publish notes through PRINT & DIGITAL media for the welfare /awareness of various programmes of the Foundation.

    • Arrange SPORTS & CULTURAL activities throughout the year.

    • To encourage the development of cultural & dramatic activity, children's theatres, the open air theatre and the rural theatre in its various forms.

    • To conduct seminars and set up recreation centres/institutes , reading rooms , clubs , orphanages , elderly homes , schools ,Institutions , Universities and related activities (priority for physically challenged persons) for the society

    • Work for upliftment of weaker section and down- trodden people of the society.

    •Help the mankind in all respects & assists in any affairs on HUMAN RIGHT.

    •Take necessary steps for pride of our Nation.

    •To advise , govern , oversee policy and direction and assist with leadership in order to support the foundation’s mission and needs.

    •To undertake and support relief or assistance of any kind relating to a public health emergency or any other kind of emergency, calamity or distress , either manmade or natural, including the creation or up-gradation of healthcare or pharmaceutical facilities, other necessary infrastructure, funding relevant research or any other type of support.

    •To work in such a way that the benefit of objects would be available to the general public irrespective of caste, creed , sex, language, religion & region.

    •For the furtherance of the objects of the Foundation, the foundation property may be utilised towards any pandemic or a public health or emergency, calamity or distress, either man-made or natural; or direct benefits to particular programmes, institutions or persons in relation to the above objectives.

    •To conduct seminars for people of our country for their awareness regarding right to a Nationality as we all are born free and equal in this world.

    •To undertake and promote human resources in the field of social work and all science programmes relating to social action for world peace.

    •To act as a resource Center for training , research, documentation and consultancy for development of all needy people .

    • Arrange helpline 24*7 for members for any Emergency.

    •To undertake & supports projects for “Pollution Abatement & control”, “Natural Resources Conservation & Protection”, “Animal Protection & welfare”, “Veterinary Services”, “Wildlife Preservation & Protection”, “Zoological Parks & Aquariums”, “Public Health”, “Rehabilitation Services”, “National Peace & Security”, “Recreation Programmes for OLD aged people”, “Skill Development & Livelihood Programmes for women ”, “Child care & Stay homes”, “Child labour protection”, “Persons with Disability Skill Development”, “Education Policy & Reform work”, “Museums”, Research Parks , R & D institutes, IHF training institutes, “ BHAGABATA TUNGI”, “CHATASHALI” ,“History & Historical Programmes”, “Swadeshi Movements” , “Artists World”, “Cultural Heritage Protection Services” etc.

    • To take necessary steps in rural programmes such as irrigation, agricultural development, animal Husbandry and special programmes for Drinking water, poverty alleviation and nutrition.

    • To encourage and conduct programmes like blood donation & eye donation camps etc. to serve Mankind.

    • Afforestation programmes in organised way to preserve environment and balance our ecology.

    • To promote welfare, social cultural, charitable, health education, humanitarian, and relief activities that will protect, safeguard, improve the quality and raise the standard of human life, particularly economically weaker sections of the society, irrespective of caste ,creed, race, colour, sex or religion so that they may lead healthy, happy contented and dignified life.

    • To undertake or assist the production writing or publication of books , magazines, news paper , pamphlets , films, slide-tapes and any other materials of any disease (physically and mentally )and general welfare of the society.

    • Special welfare drives for the Tribal and Adivasis(oldest cultured persons of INDIA) to promote their standard of living by economic empowerment, social inclusion , livelihood and to provide special programme for their occupation , education , cultural activities, environment protection & awareness of their rights .

    • To undertake and maintain and assist any relief measures in those parts which become subjected to natural calamities such as flood, fire, drought famine, cyclone, earth-quake epidemics, storm, accidents, pestilence, pandemic etc.

INTRINSIC HOPE FOUNDATION ( IHF ) is a purely social welfare organisation aiming to help all in unusual incidents, accidents and emergency. We also give all support in all legal cases to serve Humanity and arrange necessary supports for the sake of welfare and Human rights. We believe in the philosophy of “VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM” meaning “The World is one Family”.
