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Go Green 2023-2024

The Primary aim of this mission to protect, restore & enhance India's diminishing forest cover,

• Project “GO GREEN”

• Fruit Garden Project

• Picnic spot & Amusement Garden Project

• Industrial & Office Garden Project

• Worship place Garden Project

• Un-used land plantation project with the help of Government

• Un-used Rail & Road side plantation project with concern authority

• Historical Monument Garden renovate Project

• Special Plantation Drives in school/college/institutions


Outcomes :
Output :

INTRINSIC HOPE FOUNDATION ( IHF ) is a purely social welfare organisation aiming to help all in unusual incidents, accidents and emergency. We also give all support in all legal cases to serve Humanity and arrange necessary supports for the sake of welfare and Human rights. We believe in the philosophy of “VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM” meaning “The World is one Family”.
