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Jungle 2023-2024

Jungle plays a vital role in our day to day life. We required Jungle for our survival.

• Project “to create new Jungle especially in hilly areas.

• Plantation of more than 02(TWO) la khs of trees per Year in save Jungle (forest) mission

• Renovate Destroyed jungle (forest) areas

• Create New jungles with the help of Government

• Pilot plantation programmes in Jungles with the help of forest department.

• Plantation in core areas of Jungle by seed balls

• Survey work on deforestation

• Save jungle(forest from Fire

• Survey work on climate conditions as well as soil condition on ruined forests

• By creating new Jungles bio-diversity can be maintained

• By Products of Jungles are also reduces the use of plastics.

• New jungles can be turned to zoo ,which will be the alternative source of income in that locality.

• Wondering/ walking in new jungles with medicinal plants will provide a natural treatment for all.

• Special Plantation Drives by school/college/institutions can fulfil the crite.


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INTRINSIC HOPE FOUNDATION ( IHF ) is a purely social welfare organisation aiming to help all in unusual incidents, accidents and emergency. We also give all support in all legal cases to serve Humanity and arrange necessary supports for the sake of welfare and Human rights. We believe in the philosophy of “VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM” meaning “The World is one Family”.
