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Bio Diversity 2023- 2024

Bio-diversity is all the different kinds of life we will find in one area( the variety of animals ,birds, plants ,fungi and even micro-organisms like bacteria that make of our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems like an intricate web , to maintain balance and support life.

• Birds Rescue Center

• Animal Rescue Center

• Insects research centre & park

• Cleaning Ocean project

• Cleaning Rivers & ponds projects

• Animal Husbandry training center

• “GOUSHALA” Project

• Veterinary Training Center

• Encourage ZOO Projects


Outcomes :
Output :

INTRINSIC HOPE FOUNDATION ( IHF ) is a purely social welfare organisation aiming to help all in unusual incidents, accidents and emergency. We also give all support in all legal cases to serve Humanity and arrange necessary supports for the sake of welfare and Human rights. We believe in the philosophy of “VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM” meaning “The World is one Family”.
